The Magdala Family is a community inspired by the experience of the Holy Land and Magdala that leads to the encounter with God and is committed to the extension of his Kingdom in the world.
Do you want to be part of the Magdala Family?
Training for members of the Magdala Family
Thank you for being part of this great Family. We are beginning a special period of training about the Magdala Family. Over the next 8 weeks, we will send you chapters full of information and reflection to deepen the spirit of this family.
Watch the Chapters

If you are identified with this Family and you are willing to offer your time, talents and qualities to help and take part in various programs and ministeries in a selfless manner and in the same spirit as May Magdalene and the first disciples of Jesus under the motto “Ministri sumus et coadiutores Dei”, you can be a volunteer of the Magdala Family.

If, after discovering this Family’s spirit and knowing Magdala and its projects, you would like to become a part of this Family by acquiring an active commitment and collaborating materially with resources so the projects can be carried out, then this is your place, be a member of the Magdala Family as a benefactor.

If the Magdala Family has helped you to have a better relation with God and if you are aware of the spiritual project of Magdala, and are called to commit to pray from Magdala’s programs and ministries and join to virtual and in-person Magdala’s activities, then you can become a intercessor of the Magdala Family.

If you have known the mission, vision, objectives and projects of Magdala, and are called to collaborate in its diffusion with other people in your places of origin through activities that are within your possibilities, circumstances and creativity, and coordinating with the responsible in Magdala, we are waiting for you, you can be an Ambassador of the Magdala Family.

If you are part of an institution, foundation, organization, company, group or community, and would like to share activities or programs with Magdala, you can associate with the Magdala Family.

If you have known Magdala and feel like being Family without identifying with any of the other groups, but are adhered to Magdala’s values and wish to participate and support Magdala as best as you can, you can be a member as a Friend of the Magdala Family.

En Magdala Somos Familia: Escoge el Grupo para Ti
¡Gracias por acompañarnos en este recorrido formativo a través de las cápsulas de la Familia de Magdala!
Ahora que has explorado cada una de ellas y has profundizado en el sentido y los valores de nuestra comunidad, te invitamos a dar el siguiente paso y elegir tu grupo de pertenencia. Como bien sabes, en Magdala fomentamos una comunidad inclusiva, guiada por un ideal común que invita a todos a unirse y participar plenamente.
Este cuestionario es tu oportunidad para indicarnos de qué manera te gustaría formar parte activa de la Familia de Magdala. A través de tu elección, contribuirás de una forma única y significativa a nuestra misión, ayudándonos a llevar la Tierra Santa y su mensaje a más personas en todo el mundo.
Te agradecemos tu tiempo y tu compromiso, y esperamos que esta decisión enriquezca aún más tu camino junto a Magdala. ¡Tu participación es esencial para que esta comunidad siga creciendo y cumpliendo su misión global!