A Letter from Fr. Juan (LXXI)

"Every time we explain Duc In Altum, evangelization takes place, scenes and passages of the Gospel are relived, and the action of the Holy Spirit is palpable"

Fr. Juan Solana L.C.


May 22, 2024

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A Letter from Fr. Juan (LXXI)

"Every time we explain Duc In Altum, evangelization takes place, scenes and passages of the Gospel are relived, and the action of the Holy Spirit is palpable"

Fr. Juan Solana L.C.


May 22, 2024

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A Letter from Fr. Juan

A Letter from Fr. Juan (LXXI)

Dear Magdala family, friends,

In the coming days, we will celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Consecration of Duc In Altum. We are sharing some photos, videos, and event memories with you. At the same time, the "Visitor Center" was inaugurated to showcase the archaeological discoveries and the site to visitors. It is a moment to lift our eyes to the sky and say a big THANK YOU to God for so many blessings.

This event took place during Pope Francis's Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and in that context, the Pope blessed the Tabernacle of Duc In Altum, which was consecrated just a few days later. While showing the Holy Father a giant photograph of Duc In Altum and explaining its significance, especially in highlighting the role of women in Jesus' evangelization, the Pope commented, "What would the Church be without women?" Indeed, the role of women in the Church is indispensable not only numerically but, above all, for their profound spiritual and religious sensitivity, for their ability to embody values and transmit them almost by osmosis to their families and their environment. Furthermore, for the gifts and charisms that God pours out to so many souls to manifest His presence among men, let us think of the great saints, doctors of the Church, mystics, and tireless missionaries that the Church has had in its two-thousand-year history.

It is difficult to fully identify the spiritual impact of Duc In Altum on our guests and visitors. But we can experience thousands of Eucharistic celebrations, baptisms, weddings, and confirmations, not to mention sacramental activity. Thank God we have priests available to hear confessions, prepare Eucharistic hours, meditations, guided tours... etc.

Every time we explain Duc In Altum, evangelization takes place, scenes and passages of the Gospel are relived, and the action of the Holy Spirit is palpable. We are still surprised by the profound emotion that men and women, young and old, Catholics and non-Catholics carry in their hearts.

Again, we can only say a big THANK YOU to God for such benefits and the desire and commitment to continue taking care of the place as best as possible, as a tessera of the great mosaic that is the Holy Land, with its variety of mysteries, ministries, places, stories, and divine messages for hearts thirsty for encounter with Him.

We are also thankful for the goals and challenges that lie ahead.

Firstly, Duc In Altum requires maintenance and restoration. Use and time have taken their toll.

Secondly, we must conclude this decade's experience for better organization and preparation, especially when there are numerous visitors. During this period, we are studying an update of the "Master Plan" to improve our receptive capacity and the presentation of all the elements that Magdala offers in its facilities.

We intended to inaugurate the definitive restaurant and residence for the priestly community on this anniversary. Yet, the current political-military crisis has forced us to delay it again.

As we announced, registrations for Magdala´s Encounter Youthfest opened on May 7th and this year will be hosted in in Puebla, Mexico, from 25 July to 28th. Many people have already registered. We ask you to share the invitation with young people and those young at heart so that it may be a sumptuous feast of faith, music, and community. We hope to see you there soon. Register here.‍

I anticipate sharing a great surprise about our presence in the Holy Land soon.

May the month of May help us deepen our love for Mary, devotion, trust, and abandonment to her immaculate heart.

Fraternally yours,

Fr. Juan Solana, LC and the Magdala Team

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